Source code for colour_datasets.loaders.labsphere2019

Labsphere SRS-99-020 - Labsphere (2019)

Define the objects implementing support for *Labsphere (2019)* *Labsphere
SRS-99-020* dataset loading:

-   :class:`colour_datasets.loaders.DatasetLoader_Labsphere2019`
-   :func:`colour_datasets.loaders.build_Labsphere2019`

-   :cite:`Labsphere2019` : Labsphere. (2019). Labsphere SRS-99-020.

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import typing

import numpy as np
from colour import SpectralDistribution

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from colour.hints import Dict

from colour.utilities import tsplit

from colour_datasets.loaders import AbstractDatasetLoader
from colour_datasets.records import datasets

__author__ = "Colour Developers"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2019 Colour Developers"
__license__ = "BSD-3-Clause -"
__maintainer__ = "Colour Developers"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = [

[docs] class DatasetLoader_Labsphere2019(AbstractDatasetLoader): """ Define the *Labsphere (2019)* *Labsphere SRS-99-020* dataset loader. Attributes ---------- - :attr:`colour_datasets.loaders.DatasetLoader_Labsphere2019.ID` Methods ------- - :meth:`colour_datasets.loaders.DatasetLoader_Labsphere2019.__init__` - :meth:`colour_datasets.loaders.DatasetLoader_Labsphere2019.load` References ---------- :cite:`Labsphere2019` """ ID: str = "3245875" """Dataset record id, i.e., the *Zenodo* record number.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(datasets()[DatasetLoader_Labsphere2019.ID])
[docs] def load(self) -> Dict[str, SpectralDistribution]: """ Sync, parse, convert and return the *Labsphere (2019)* *Labsphere SRS-99-020* dataset content. Returns ------- :class:`dict` *Labsphere (2019)* *Labsphere SRS-99-020* dataset content. Examples -------- >>> from colour_datasets.utilities import suppress_stdout >>> dataset = DatasetLoader_Labsphere2019() >>> with suppress_stdout(): ... dataset.load() >>> len(dataset.content.keys()) 1 """ super().sync() sd_path = os.path.join(self.record.repository, "dataset", "SRS-99-020.txt") values = tsplit(np.loadtxt(sd_path, delimiter="\t", skiprows=2)) self._content = { "Labsphere SRS-99-020": SpectralDistribution( values[1], values[0], name="Labsphere SRS-99-020" ), } return self._content
_DATASET_LOADER_LABSPHERE2019: DatasetLoader_Labsphere2019 | None = None """ Singleton instance of the *Labsphere (2019)* *Labsphere SRS-99-020* dataset loader. """
[docs] def build_Labsphere2019(load: bool = True) -> DatasetLoader_Labsphere2019: """ Singleton factory that builds the *Labsphere (2019)* *Labsphere SRS-99-020* dataset loader. Parameters ---------- load Whether to load the dataset upon instantiation. Returns ------- :class:`colour_datasets.loaders.DatasetLoader_Labsphere2019` Singleton instance of the *Labsphere (2019)* *Labsphere SRS-99-020* dataset loader. References ---------- :cite:`Labsphere2019` """ global _DATASET_LOADER_LABSPHERE2019 # noqa: PLW0603 if _DATASET_LOADER_LABSPHERE2019 is None: _DATASET_LOADER_LABSPHERE2019 = DatasetLoader_Labsphere2019() if load: _DATASET_LOADER_LABSPHERE2019.load() return _DATASET_LOADER_LABSPHERE2019